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A Chance for the TAA industry: Large company Christmas Parties become Small Team Events

Tips & Advice


Frank Scheibe
October 22, 2020


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There will be no big company Christmas parties this year. Not only is the legal framework missing, but so is largely the “party mood.” As a result, some, especially larger companies will postpone or simply cancel their Christmas party. But alternatively, we expect a strong increase in company Christmas parties on a team level in small groups, i.e. the sales team celebrates for themselves with a visit to an Escape Room, the marketing team prefers to go to a museum and the service team relaxes with a cooking class. While this development will be painful for large event organizers, here is an opportunity for providers of tours, activities and attractions!
For you, this means that you should now tailor your experiences to this “small Christmas party” scenario or create your own new offer for these types of celebrations in 2020. Then you should go ahead and approach companies directly and actively, especially in your local area. 
We have put together a compact overview of how you can prepare for company Christmas parties or team events:

Hygiene and safety precautions are a matter of course

Setting up a safe environment to ensure your customers can enjoy themselves is paramount. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that you stay informed about all current developments. To do so, use the official agencies of your city, state or federal government. Implement the minimum requirements strictly, otherwise you risk not only your health and that of your customers, but also penalties or the closure of your offer. 
In addition, it is always a good idea to keep each other informed and to practice certain procedures to ensure the health of your team. 

  • Find out about current developments from official government agencies
  • Strictly implements the minimum requirements for hygiene and safety
  • Protect yourself and your team by mutual information and practice of the processes

Simple standard measures

With just a few measures, which are obligatory or at least standard in many places, you have already taken most of the precautions. Aside from ensuring the basic cleanliness of your location, you must account for the provision of disinfectants and making masks obligatory. For the latter, it is certainly a good idea to provide a small supply, in case some participants have lost theirs or left them in the car. Alternatively, you can also make the mask a part of the experience, refinance it through the entrance fee or offer it as a merchandising item for direct purchase. 
Depending on what you offer and the space available for the event, in most cases the maximum group size should be reduced. Also keep in mind that it must be possible for your customers to comfortably keep their distance. Otherwise you can be sure this dancing around will lead to some discomfort and your customers will not be able to enjoy their experience.
And of course it is safer outside. Therefore, think about how you can move as many things or procedures as possible outside – preferably where there is also enough space. Because even if it’s winter, being able to take off your mask every now and then is worth it. Maybe you can install some heaters or provide some hand warmers for a truly top-notch experience.

  • Have a supply of disinfectant and masks
  • Reduce the group size and make it easy to keep distances
  • Shift as many parts of you offer as possible outside

Openness and transparency create trust

Every participant, every customer knows about Corona. Therefore you don’t have to try to hide your efforts for the safety of your guests. On the contrary: an open, transparent approach to the rules and your reasons for implementing them will ensure a professional appearance and basic trust. Therefore it is necessary to spend an “extra minute” here and there on explanations and answering questions. 
By using small visual reminders of the rules you can additionally increase acceptance and security. It is also useful to have some basic information sheets or short brochures on the subject of hygiene at hand before booking, especially from companies. 

  • Be transparent about the rules and your reasons for doing so
  • Invest a little extra time in explanations and answers to questions
  • Use visual reminders of the rules
  • Prepare some information material to inform in advance of a booking

Professional and relaxed: How to create the right atmosphere

Remember: your participants want to relax with you. Therefore a lot depends on your own energy, how you perform and whether you have a positive attitude. You don’t have to apologize for additional safety measures, because they are part of the “new normal”. Increased hygiene measures should instead be perceived as a prerequisite for the relaxation of your customers. 
But that doesn’t mean that all your measures can’t also help cheer up your customers a little: Be creative and find funny, introduce playful elements to deal with wearing masks and social distancing. Colorful masks or balloon spacers would be a good example. 
According to the motto “We can have fun with masks too”, photos with people who have already attended your experience under the current circumstances can also help when selling your tickets. They show your potential customers how much fun is still possible and awaiting them. Especially, and this is a serious argument, the quality of the experience increases with decreasing group size. Actively emphasize these advantages, e.g. more comfortable space, more one-on-one time between participant and teacher, more time using the equipment, more time for questions, more repetitions, etc. – these arguments all have value.

  • Accept even the “new normal” and adopt a positive basic attitude
  • Understand your hygiene measures as a prerequisite for well-being
  • Use creative, playful elements to loosen up
  • Use photos to prove fun under corona conditions
  • Sell smaller group sizes as an added value

Adapt your business perspective

Since you are investing time and effort, you should also consider adjusting your prices accordingly. The exclusivity of your offer has value which should also be reflected in the ticket prices. However, this should not be a general recommendation, as too many factors play a role here – from possibly smaller company budgets, to other more competitive offers in your region or the price structure of your competitors.
Usually, Christmas parties cannot be moved into the new year. However, this year it may be an option that some companies or teams want to take advantage of to celebrate (Christmas) in potentially safer times. To counter this scenario, you should also focus on selling vouchers for company Christmas parties or at least offer them in parallel.
Even if it means less security for you in terms of your income, we strongly recommend that you do NOT pass on the risk of cancellation of your offer to your customers. Offer and accept simple cancellation options including appropriate refunds. This will not only have a medium to long term effect on trust and better customer retention, but will also reduce the hurdles to book with you in the first place. 

  • Think about adjusting prices to your effort
  • Offer vouchers to move appointments to potentially safe times
  • Work with simple and fair cancellation conditions

If you would like to learn how an online booking system like bookingkit can help you implement many of these tips, then arrange your free demo now.

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Frank Scheibe

Frank is a tours and activities industry expert. He reports on the latest facts, figures and trends in the bookingkit blog and the bookingkit newsletter. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his kids and family, playing sports and eating good food.

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