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Milestone: bookingkit is the new European software company in the Tours & Activities segment to use Reserve with Google


Frank Scheibe
April 15, 2019


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ATTENTION: Reserve with Google has been discontinued. Google has launched a new service; Google Activities. In this article you will find more information about Google Activities.

The Berlin-based company is partnering with Google in the field of tours and activities. With Reserve with Google, bookingkit customers will be connected to end customers thanks to leading Google products such as Search and Maps. In addition, bookings, appointments and reservations for tours and activities can be made and, if required, payment can be processed directly via Google.

With the Reserve with Google integration into bookingkit, providers of tours and activities appear as search results, including websites, price information and availability. Furthermore, the complete booking process as well as the payment takes place directly via Google. As soon as the end customer decides for an offer, it can be booked and paid immediately, without the additional step on the web page of the venue to go. Thanks to Google’s Mobile First approach, providers are also optimized for the entire booking experience via smartphone and ideally adapted to mobile user behavior.

Google is considered one of the most important entry channels for people looking for tours and activities online. As more and more end customer experiences are found and, above all, booked via the search engine, bookingkit offers its customers a multiplier of their business. The few, simple and user-friendly booking steps minimize the risk of cancellation and lead to sales increases.

“Tour and activity providers must be easy to find in the digital world, otherwise they will not be booked. Through the connection to Google, we provide the end customer with a smooth booking experience and our bookingkit providers with a huge, if not the largest, multiplier,” says Lukas C. C. Hempel, founder and managing director of bookingkit. The connection to Reserve with Google will be activated for all bookingkit users in the second quarter of 2019.


Frank Scheibe

Frank is a tours and activities industry expert. He reports on the latest facts, figures and trends in the bookingkit blog and the bookingkit newsletter. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his kids and family, playing sports and eating good food.

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